JUMP TOGETTING STARTEDIntroductionAuthenticationSupported assetsPostman guideFipto - OpenAPI 3.0AssetsGet supported assetsgetTransactionsGet transactionsgetGet a transaction from a companygetInitiate payoutpostWalletsCreate walletpostGet walletsgetGet a walletgetRename a walletpatchCreate a wallet detailspostGet wallet detailsgetGet a wallet detailsgetRename a wallet detailspatchBeneficiariesCreate a beneficiarypostGet beneficiariesgetGet a beneficiarygetDelete a beneficiarydeleteCompaniesGet companiesgetGet a companygetPayment linksRetrieve a specific payment linkgetUpdate a payment linkpatchRetrieve all payment linkgetCreate payment linkpostConversionsCreate a new automated quotepostConfirm a quote.patchRetrieve a list of filterable conversionsgetPayin SimulationSimulate a payinpostPowered by IntroductionIntroduction to Fipto APIThis is a REST API specifications based on OpenAPI 3.0 for Fipto solution.