
Add your partners and suppliers as beneficiaries

Beneficiaries are individuals or entities, with whom you engage in financial transactions.

To create a beneficiary, you will need the following details:

DescriptionA brief description of the beneficiary.
Beneficiary typeSpecify whether the beneficiary is a company, a natural person, or your own account.
Company nameRequired if the beneficiary type is a company.
First nameRequired if the beneficiary type is a natural person.
Last nameRequired if the beneficiary type is a natural person.
AddressRequired if beneficiary type is natural person or company.
AssetChoose the asset you intend to send to the beneficiary.
Digital or Fiat Specify whether your beneficiary is a digital or a fiat beneficiary.

- For a digital beneficiary, you will have to enter the blockchain address of the beneficiary
- For a fiat beneficiary, you will have to enter the IBAN of the beneficiary.

Add a beneficiary


  1. In the dashboard, go to the "Beneficiaries" page.
  2. Click "Add beneficiary."
  3. Provide a description of your beneficiary and specify their type. Depending on the chosen type, you will be asked to input different information.
  4. To validate the beneficiary creation, enter the 2FA code.
  5. Click on "Create new beneficiary."

Congratulations! You've successfully added your first beneficiary.


You can create a beneficiary through the API by using the create a beneficiary endpoint.

Here below is an example of a payload to create a beneficiary with type: company:

  "data": {
    "type": "beneficiary",
    "attributes": {
      "description": "My first beneficiary",
      "wallet_details": {
        "asset": "USDC",
        "address": "0xeB52cd1e90f690b8E7Fb06aD7636428E58F667b1"
      "beneficiary_info": {
        "type": "company",
        "name": "Company Test",
        "address": {
          "street_address": "25 Test Street",
          "zip_code": "75008",
          "city": "Paris",
          "country_code": "FR"

When the beneficiary is added successfully, the following JSON is returned:

    "meta": {
        "request_id": "8d4156fc-03b5-43c2-bc48-ed41a96305d8"
    "data": {
        "type": "beneficiary",
        "id": "c4e83a6f-1818-4986-91e5-6b68d13bdfaa",
        "attributes": {
            "description": "My first beneficiary",
            "wallet_details": {
                "asset": "USDC",
                "address": "0xeB52cd1e90f690b8E7Fb06aD7636428E58F667b1"
            "beneficiary_info": {
                "type": "company",
                "name": "Company Test",
                "address": {
                    "street_address": "25 Test Street",
                    "zip_code": "75008",
                    "city": "Paris",
                    "country_code": "FR"

Within the response body, you will find the ID of the newly created beneficiary. This ID is to be used when initiating a payout to this specific beneficiary.