
Table of Contents


Webhooks provide real-time notifications for events occurring in your Fipto workspace, such as new transactions and transaction status updates. To monitor all these activities, configure a webhook, and Fipto will ensure that relevant events are broadcasted to your chosen endpoint.


To add a new webhook, prepare an endpoint, and contact our customer support. The chosen endpoint must use HTTPS protocol to ensure a secure connection between Fipto and your service.

IP Allowlist

All incoming requests will be served, depending on environment, from these IPs:

  • Demo
  • Production

Request Validation

The authenticity of Fipto as the issuer of webhook notifications can be verified by checking the signature of the message attached to the header. The signature is generated as follows:

Fipto-Signature: Base64(RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5(_WEBHOOK_PRIVATE_KEY_, SHA-512, SHA-512(eventBody))) 

To validate the signature, depending on environment, please use the following public key:

  • Demo
    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  • Production
    -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Example function to verify signature in TypeScript:

import { createVerify } from "crypto";

 * Verifies the signature of a request sent by Fipto as a webhook.
 * @param pubKey Fipto's public key.
 * @param reqBody Request body as string.
 * @param signature Content of "Fipto-Signature" header.
export function verifySignature(
  pubKey: string,
  reqBody: string,
  signature: string
): boolean {
  return createVerify("RSA-SHA512")
    .verify(pubKey, signature, "base64");


The Fipto server expects your endpoint to instantly respond with a 2XX HTTP status code to confirm webhook notification was received. In case of unexpected status code or lack of response within 5 seconds, a retry will be issued according to our retry policy.

Retry Policy

If Fipto server doesn't receive a 2XX HTTP response to the POST request within 5 seconds, it will retry the request with exponential back off. A maximum of 10 retries can be issued, with the final triggered 15 minutes after the last failure. The exact retry schedule (in seconds) is: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 900. Consequently, the final request will be made about 32 minutes after the first failure.

Request De-duplication

A consequence of the retry policy is the possibility of delivering the same event twice, therefore, it is important to ignore events with event_id that was already processed.


The webhook notification is sent as a POST request with a JSON object payload that provides information about a specific event. Each payload contains a generic structure that outlines the event type that triggered the notification, unique event_id for the request de-duplication, and the associated data object. The data object includes a unique identifier, the type of data, and a nested attributes object that holds detailed information specific to the data type.

eventstringThe type of event that triggered the webhook. Possible values: PAYIN_CREATED, PAYIN_COMPLETED, PAYIN_REJECTED, PAYOUT_COMPLETED, PAYOUT_REJECTED, PAYMENT_LINK_COMPLETED.
event_idstringThe UUID of the event, designated for the request de-duplication.
dataobjectThe main data object containing details about the event.
data.idstringThe UUID of the data object.
data.typestringThe type of data. Possible values: payin or payout.
data.attributesobjectContains the attributes related to the data object.


The following table describes the fields within data.attributes for when data.type is payin:

amountstringThe amount of the payin, in decimal format.
asset_codestringThe code of the asset being used (e.g., BTC for Bitcoin).
created_atstringThe timestamp when the payin was created, in ISO 8601 format.
sourceobjectThe source information of the payin.
source.addressstringThe external wallet address that initiated the payment.
source.ibanstringThe IBAN of the bank account that initiated the payment.
source.bicstringThe BIC of the bank account that initiated the payment.
source.namestringThe name of the bank account that initiated the payment.
source.physical_addressstringThe physical address of the bank account that initiated the payment.
source.countrystringThe country of the bank account that initiated the payment.
destinationobjectThe destination information for the payin.
destination.wallet_idstringThe UUID of the wallet receiving the payin.
destination.wallet_namestringThe name of the wallet receiving the payin.
destination.wallet_details_namestringThe name of the wallet details.
destination.wallet_details_addressstringThe address of the wallet details.
destination.wallet_details_tagstringThe tag associated with the wallet details.
destination.wallet_details_ibanstringThe IBAN associated with the wallet details.
referencestringPayment reference used in fiat transactions to convey information about the payment being made.
statusstringThe status of the payin. Possible values: in transit or completed.
transaction_idstringThe UUID for the transaction.
valuationsarrayAn array of valuation objects, each containing an asset and its corresponding value.
valuations[].assetstringThe code of the asset for the valuation (e.g., USD, EUR).
valuations[].valuestringThe value of the asset in the specified currency.
blockchain_dataobjectContains blockchain-specific data.
blockchain_data.transaction_hashstringThe hash of the blockchain transaction.
blockchain_data.block_explorer_linkstringA link to view the transaction on a blockchain explorer.

Example PAYIN_CREATED event in fiat currency:

  "event": "PAYIN_CREATED",
  "event_id": "0e8540ee-fcf9-4322-bc86-85eba7108a22",
  "data": {
    "id": "b99e9a17-1332-4e07-8c5a-1113b64c31c7",
    "type": "payin",
    "attributes": {
      "amount": "100.55",
      "created_at": "2023-07-10T14:30:00Z",
      "asset_code": "EUR",
      "source": {
        "iban": "GB90MOCK00000003779553",
        "bic": "MOCKGB21",
        "name": "John Kowalski",
        "physical_address": "25 rue François 1er, Paris, 75009",
        "country": "FR"
      "destination": {
        "wallet_id": "cf3377f9-95d8-4371-9908-e700cd5025b1",
        "wallet_name": "Savings",
        "wallet_details_name": "Primary",
        "wallet_details_iban": "FR93MOCK00000003340671"
      "reference": "Payment for order 12345",
      "status": "completed",
      "transaction_id": "562108da-222d-4895-acf4-2135462d7821"

Example PAYIN_COMPLETED event in digital currency:

  "event": "PAYIN_COMPLETED",
  "event_id": "205ad3f4-985e-413d-a9cc-1ce9b200a74e",
  "data": {
    "id": "b99e9a17-1332-4e07-8c5a-1113b64c31c7",
    "type": "payin",
    "attributes": {
      "amount": "1.50",
      "created_at": "2023-07-10T14:30:00Z",
      "asset_code": "BTC",
      "source": {
        "address": "tz1MzL4XgAo84vpJJGzNRz7KuAYuS6biwKsz"
      "destination": {
        "wallet_id": "78526183-7755-4dfb-9f0b-b470ac9bb36a",
        "wallet_name": "Bitcoin Wallet",
        "wallet_details_name": "Primary",
        "wallet_details_address": "tz1a4GT7THHaGDiTxgXoatDWcZfJ5j29z5RC",
        "wallet_details_tag": ""
      "status": "completed",
      "transaction_id": "ed0ca371-625c-40e7-a64f-c0431b80370d",
      "valuations": [
        { "asset": "USD", "value": "58140.31" },
        { "asset": "EUR", "value": "53633.26" }
      "blockchain_data": {
        "transaction_hash": "8ecfd4162367d5919cbbc071ec33df9800978cdc34c80d98cade61fa7d88be00",
        "block_explorer_link": "https://chain.so/tx/BTC/8ecfd4162367d5919cbbc071ec33df9800978cdc34c80d98cade61fa7d88be00"

Example PAYIN_REJECTED event in fiat currency:

  "event": "PAYIN_REJECTED",
  "event_id": "da5be5cf-63c1-55af-adb6-05a6bc254f10",
  "data": {
    "id": "725cb2c2-173c-4dcd-b62f-d589e9526b00",
    "type": "payin",
    "attributes": {
      "asset_code": "EUR",
      "amount": "400000",
      "destination": {
        "wallet_id": "597165e7-1860-4037-be8a-03c4cb52ffbf",
        "wallet_name": "EUR wallet",
        "wallet_details_name": "Primary wallet details",
        "wallet_details_iban": "GB21MOCK00000003984495"
      "source": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "iban": "DE91100000000123456789",
        "bic": "AGRIFRPI",
        "country": "GB",
        "physical_address": "Address Line 1 "
      "status": "rejected",
      "transaction_id": "9c96d8bf-e141-4891-9919-a479e0a650c8",
      "created_at": "2024-08-13T07:44:57Z",
      "reference": "Payment from John Doe"


The following table describes the fields within data.attributes for when data.type is payout:

amountstringThe amount of the payout, in decimal format.
asset_codestringThe code of the asset being used (e.g., BTC for Bitcoin).
created_atstringThe timestamp when the payout was created, in ISO 8601 format.
sourceobjectThe source information of the payout.
source.wallet_idstringThe UUID of the wallet from which the payout originates.
source.wallet_namestringThe name of the wallet from which the payout originates.
destinationobjectThe destination information for the payout.
destination.beneficiary_idstringThe UUID of the beneficiary receiving the payout.
destination.beneficiary_descriptionstringThe description of the beneficiary receiving the payout.
destination.beneficiary_addressstringThe blockchain address of the beneficiary receiving the payout.
destination.beneficiary_ibanstringThe IBAN of the beneficiary receiving the payout.
referencestringPayment reference used in fiat transactions to convey information about the payout being made.
statusstringThe status of the payout. The only possible value is: completed.
transaction_idstringThe UUID for the transaction.
valuationsarrayAn array of valuation objects, each containing an asset and its corresponding value.
valuations[].assetstringThe code of the asset for the valuation (e.g., USD, EUR).
valuations[].valuestringThe value of the asset in the specified currency.
blockchain_dataobjectContains blockchain-specific data.
blockchain_data.transaction_hashstringThe hash of the blockchain transaction.
blockchain_data.block_explorer_linkstringA link to view the transaction on a blockchain explorer.

Example PAYOUT_COMPLETED event in fiat currency:

  "event": "PAYOUT_COMPLETED",
  "event_id": "7c8e9a9f-8e5e-4b6e-a2b1-9c7e7fa1b14b",
  "data": {
    "id": "a12b3c45-d678-90ef-gh12-ijklmnopq345",
    "type": "payout",
    "attributes": {
      "amount": "250.75",
      "created_at": "2024-07-15T10:00:00Z",
      "asset_code": "EUR",
      "source": {
        "wallet_id": "e7b9f2d0-1e5e-4b7e-855a-11e05cf87ed1",
        "wallet_name": "Business Account"
      "destination": {
        "beneficiary_id": "f1c2d3e4-5678-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
        "beneficiary_description": "John Doe's Savings",
        "beneficiary_iban": "US12345678901234567890"
      "reference": "Payout for invoice #67890",
      "status": "completed",
      "transaction_id": "f14d2e6b-1234-4567-89ab-cdef12345678",
      "signatures": {
        "quorum": 0,
        "signatories": [],
        "mfa": ["totp"]

Example PAYOUT_COMPLETED event in digital currency:

  "event": "PAYOUT_COMPLETED",
  "event_id": "9c2d3f4a-6789-1234-5678-abcdef012345",
  "data": {
    "id": "a12b3c45-d678-90ef-gh12-ijklmnopq345",
    "type": "payout",
    "attributes": {
      "amount": "0.75",
      "created_at": "2024-07-15T10:00:00Z",
      "asset_code": "BTC",
      "source": {
        "wallet_id": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
        "wallet_name": "Bitcoin Wallet"
      "destination": {
        "beneficiary_id": "b2c3d4e5-6789-1234-5678-abcdef123456",
        "beneficiary_description": "Alice's Main Wallet",
        "beneficiary_address": "tz1a4GT7THHaGDiTxgXoatDWcZfJ5j29z5RC"
      "status": "completed",
      "transaction_id": "e9f8a7b6-5c4d-3e2f-1a2b-34567890abcd",
      "valuations": [
        { "asset": "USD", "value": "1250.00" },
        { "asset": "EUR", "value": "1150.00" }
      "blockchain_data": {
        "transaction_hash": "8ecfd4162367d5919cbbc071ec33df9800978cdc34c80d98cade61fa7d88be00",
        "block_explorer_link": "https://chain.so/tx/BTC/8ecfd4162367d5919cbbc071ec33df9800978cdc34c80d98cade61fa7d88be00"
      "signatures": {
        "quorum": 0,
        "signatories": [],
        "mfa": ["totp"]

Example PAYOUT_REJECTED event in fiat currency:

  "event": "PAYOUT_REJECTED",
  "event_id": "5a51d345-0308-59b7-b759-fdc99e34476c",
  "data": {
    "id": "14089fa4-9608-4974-be5b-cc56006a8fbf",
    "type": "payout",
    "attributes": {
      "amount": "19999.75",
      "created_at": "2024-07-15T10:00:00Z",
      "asset_code": "EUR",
      "source": {
        "wallet_id": "e7b9f2d0-1e5e-4b7e-855a-11e05cf87ed1",
        "wallet_name": "Business Account"
      "destination": {
        "beneficiary_id": "f1c2d3e4-5678-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
        "beneficiary_description": "John Doe's Savings",
        "beneficiary_iban": "US12345678901234567890"
      "reference": "Payout for invoice #77350",
      "status": "rejected",
      "transaction_id": "8b9d0375-4aff-4950-b2f9-e38299678e94",
      "signatures": {
        "quorum": 0,
        "signatories": [],
        "mfa": ["totp"]

Payment link

The following table describes the fields within data.attributes for when data.type is payment_link:

base_amountstringThe desired payment amount expressed in the base_asset_code.
base_asset_codestringThe currency used as the basis for calculating the amount to be paid.
quote_amountstringThe amount of the payment expressed in the quote currency.
quote_asset_codestringThe currency used as the basis for calculating the amount paid.
created_atstringThe specific date on which the payment link was created.
expired_atstringThe specific date on which the payment link will be expired.
destinationobjectThe destination information for the payment link.
destination.typeobjectType of the destination for the payment link (beneficiary or wallet).
destination.beneficiary_idstringThe UUID of the beneficiary receiving the payment link.
destination.wallet_idstringThe UUID of the wallet receiving the payment link.
external_referencestringA reference to an external entity or resource.
notestringA custom message or note. This field allows for personalized communication or additional instructions to the payer.
statusstringThe status of the payment link. (completed, underpaid, overpaid, expired).
linkstringThe URL to the payment page.
network_namestringThe name of the network used for the transaction.
transaction_amountstringThe amount of the payment expressed in the transaction currency.
transaction_sourcestringThe source of the transaction.


  "event_id": "631ab6cd-a106-504d-a2ba-c908fe8b07fc",
  "data": {
    "id": "55ca325e-0ca5-4feb-b2a4-1603d7bb973f",
    "type": "payment_link",
    "attributes": {
      "base_amount": "1.11",
      "base_asset_code": "EUR",
      "status": "completed",
      "created_at": "2024-08-13T09:00:20.885644Z",
      "transaction_amount": "1.23",
      "transaction_source": "0xb38906c22C40981fcf116E2eaC1D82fca0bcf983",
      "network_name": "Binance_Smart_Chain Test",
      "link": "pay.testing.numias.tech/c7cace35-2b09-4100-a526-198829ab10fd",
      "quote_asset_code": "USDT_BSC_TEST",
      "quote_amount": "1.23",
      "quote_expired_at": "2024-08-13T09:15:27.124385Z",
      "destination": {
        "type": "wallet",
        "wallet_id": "8dd02bfa-92c6-11ee-adf2-e696041ed0d1"